Thursday, May 22, 2014

拼板舟解禁 The lift of canoe bans






It is almost the end of Flying Fish Season, and many of the prohibitions during this season are gradually lifted.
Today, the canoes are open for the tourists, and the seashore becomes a busy place. With the stereotype, I think the canoes should carry the old fishermen focusing on rowing, and return with abundant fish. I can’t get used to the canoes carrying happy tourists in bright-colored life vests.

People in Lanyu used to tell me, there are no rules to refuse tourists to take pictures with canoes, but the canoes have souls. Hence, when tourists strike poses, take pictures with canoes, or even stand in them, it is very disrespectful to the canoes. I wonder how those people in Lanyu would feel when they see the busy seashore today.

Will the canoes still keep their souls after the Flying Fish Season?

It is not wrong to have canoes filled with tourists; I am just not getting used to it….

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