Sunday, May 04, 2014

駛過黃濁海水的捕飛魚日 The fishing day in the muddy yellow sea


The rain won’t stop; the color of the coastal water is still muddy yellow.
The old fisher men always say, “there won’t be any flying fish in such condition!”
But we still ride on a small boat, leaving the muddy water, casing the net for three times, waiting for flying fish, and catching dolphin fish.
It is very effort-consuming to pull the 200-meter net. The net had given me three blisters on my unbelievable tender hands which are mostly used for carrying camera and pressing the shutter release button…

Eventually, as the elder predicted, we only got three flying fish. Luckily, we got nearly thirty pipefish, which makes this trip abundant. However, without flying fish, it is reasonable to have zero harvest of dolphin fish, which follows and hunts flying fish. 

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